Lahti Energia: ensuring the continuity of production with a flexible maintenance agreement
A long-term service partnership makes sure the equipment maintenance of Lahti Energia’s data centers is in capable hands.

Lahti Energia is a subsidiary of the city of Lahti. Its main products are electricity and district heating produced through cogeneration in two power plants in Lahti.
Lahti Energia on Lahden kaupungin tytäryhtiö, jonka päätuotteita ovat yhteistuotannolla tuotettu sähkö ja kaukolämpö, joita tuotetaan kahdessa voimalaitoksessa Lahdessa. In addition, various small power plants and district heating peak and reserve centers located throughout the distribution network are used in heat production. Verticom is Lahti Energia’s long-term server maintenance partner.
“Verticom has ensured the continuity of our production by maintaining the equipment of our server rooms covered by the maintenance agreement for almost ten years”, says Tarmo Pilli, System Specialist at Lahti Energia.
Lahti Energia places great value on Verticom’s expertise and solution-oriented service attitude.
”Fault situations have always been responded to quickly and professionally. We have been extremely satisfied with the service we have received”, Pilli says.
”Fault situations have always been responded to quickly and professionally. We have been extremely satisfied with the service we have received.”
Tarmo Pilli, System Specialist, Lahti Energia